Potholders and Dishcloths – Knitting Pattern Book Review

I have received a sample copy of this book for review from Leisure Arts. I am not financially compensated for my blog post and am under no obligation to give a favorable review. Any conclusions and statements about the book are my own. If you do choose to purchase the book, I receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you), and you are helping support Goddess Crochet, allowing me to create more free patterns for you. It’s a win-win!
If you are a regular visitor to my yarny corner of the internet, you probably know I LOVE me some cotton yarn! When the weather turns dreadfully hot, and you can’t bear to make anything with wool, cotton is a great direction to go. It’s breathable and very affordable. Perfect if you are looking to make gifts on a budget! Not everyone has the luxury of being close to the big chain craft stores, but they have big sales on cotton yarn all the time. Which is why my bin of cotton yarn is still quite full. One shopping spree away from not being able to close the lid, perhaps. Yea I love cotton yarn!
If you are looking for some lightweight projects to work on (or you have a bin full of cotton yarn), “Potholders and Dishcloths – Make in a Weekend” features 10 different designs by Rita Weiss, all made with worsted weight cotton yarn. This little book measures 8-1/2” by 5-1/2”, so it would fit nicely in your small bag along with your project – great for knitting outside or on the go.
Most of the patterns in the book call for worsted weight cotton and size 7 knitting needles, with just one pattern calling for size 5 needles. SO, you probably have everything you need to get started! There’s a shopping list at the beginning of each pattern to tell you exactly what you need, as well as a stitch guide to help you with any possible unfamiliar abbreviations, along with gauge information. Which, lets be honest, if there’s ever a time you can skip doing a gauge swatch, it’s for a dishcloth. In the back of the book is the General Information section, with all the abbreviations used in the book, along with yarn information if you’d like to use the exact same yarn as the designer used.
Dishcloths are so handy to have around the house. I am always using them for spills, napkins, spoon rests, washing or drying dishes, and sometimes in the shower. With cotton yarn, all you have to do is machine wash and dry. I decided to make the “Worlds Quickest Dishcloth” and the “Swirling Dishcloth”. With 2 balls of yarn, I was able to make a solid dishcloth and the swirling dishcloth with enough left over to make another! Lots of bang for your buck, here. So, the worlds quickest dishcloth took me about 2 hours. That said, I’m a much faster crocheter than I am knitter, so it will probably take you less time. The swirling dishcloth took about the same amount of time, and, I LOVE this pattern. It’s essentially knit with short rows (without having to wrap and turn), you do NOT have to cut and weave your tail each time you change colors, and it’s really easy.
After first set came out so nice, I went ahead and made another! These make such great gifts, so they certainly won’t go to waste. The dark blue and denim looking yarn set I am keeping.
“Potholders and Dishcloths” is available as a paperback or instant download PDF, with means you could be knitting up these great dishcloths right now! Or tonight! Or whenever you get home from work! Why are you reading blogs at work, by the way? We are all busy, so these quick knits are sure to scratch your knitting itch and you’ll be creating something colorful and functional! Happy knitting!