Triforce Dishcloth – Free Knitting Pattern Review with a Twist

Triforce Dishcloth – Free Knitting Pattern Review with a Twist
My brother and I have been gamers since the way back days of Atari and the first Nintendo (NES). Hours were spent playing “The Legend of Zelda” on rainy Sunday mornings. When my brother told me he was engaged, it seemed an appropriate gift to blend his love for gaming and his domestic bliss together in a functional home decor item.
The Triforce graphic was on my list to try as a double knitting potholder/dishcloth for a long time now. Since its just a two-color graphic, it really lends itself well to a double knit fabric. This is actually my first attempt at double knitting so I’m glad it worked out! Definitely peruse YouTube for some tutorials if you have never tried it before. Here is the video I learned from: Double Knitting Video Tutorial
Feeling no need to reinvent the wheel here, I looked around on Ravelry and found a design for a single layer Triforce dishcloth and just used double knitting in place of the knit/purl texture. If you’re not quite ready to delve into double knitting (it can be tricky), go ahead and make the single layer version, it’s still pretty darn cool!

The original design for the single layered dish cloth can be found here: Triforce Dishcloth – Free Knitting Pattern
Generously provided by the designer is a symbol chart, which makes it SO easy to keep track of where you are in the pattern. Especially if you print it and mark it up as you move up each row. I’m slightly obsessive and use a row counter as well. Better safe than sorry.

Clover Mini Knitting Counter
Many thanks to April of for the pattern!