Kitchen Bright Dishcloths – Book Review

I have received a sample copy of this book for review from Leisure Arts. I am not financially compensated for my blog post and am under no obligation to give a favorable review. Any conclusions and statements about the book are my own. If you do choose to purchase the book, I receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you), and you are helping support Goddess Crochet, allowing me to create more free patterns for you. It’s a win-win!
Kitchen Bright Dishcloths – Book Review
Knit or crochet dishcloths are so very useful! I try to use them in place of paper napkins when I can. Often they are used in place of sponges, to clean the dishes or the counter. Whenever there are spills, I reach for one. They can be used as face and washcloths in the shower/bath too. Just be sure to use a cotton or mostly cotton yarn! These can definitely be used as potholders or hotpads (the textured ones anyways), and you do NOT want to pick up the saucepan of mac and cheese to grab seconds, only to see your acrylic yarn dishcloth melted to the bottom of it.
“Kitchen Bright Dishcloths” includes 10 dishcloth knitting patterns, each just challenging enough to keep it interesting for an advanced knitter, and a good opportunity for beginners to practice new techniques. You’ll find textural dishcloths as well as lacy.
A “General Instructions” section in the back of the book includes descriptions for all the abbreviations used, as well as diagrams and written instructions for the decreases.
So far I have made three of the cloths in this book, and they were all fun to make in thier own way. This first one, “Elfin Lace”, was a good practice in lace.
This next one is the “Bee Stitch” dishcloth, which makes a super textural fabric, and is easier to make than it looks!
“Slanted Squares” caught my eye immediately. I’m a sucker for any pattern that reminds me of Q-Bert! Dating myself here, I know…
“Kitchen Bright Dishcloths” is a great way to test out new stitches, while making a special gift for yourself or someone you love. Hey, get started on those holiday and Christmas presents now, and you’ll be sitting pretty in December! You can purchase the book in paperback or instant download PDF. Which, I love holding books, don’t get me wrong, but PDF might be the way to go here. Being able to take it with you wherever you go via your phone or favorite electronic device is extremely convienent, and the instant gratification of having 10 new knitting patterns the moment you purchase them? That’s a lovely feeling. Happy knitting!