Dishcloths for Special Days – Knitting Pattern Book Review

I have received a sample copy of this book for review from Leisure Arts. I am not financially compensated for my blog post and am under no obligation to give a favorable review. Any conclusions and statements about the book are my own. If you do choose to purchase the book, I receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you), and you are helping support Goddess Crochet, allowing me to create more free patterns for you. It’s a win-win!
Dishcloth for Special Days – Knitting Pattern Book Review

Knit dishcloths make such great gifts, and the materials are inexpensive, too! With just 1 (2.5oz) ball of cotton you can make 2 of the dishcloths in this book.
“Dishcloths for Special Days” has enough knit dishcloth patterns to get you through the entire year, with dishcloth patterns in sets of 3. Themes include Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and, of course, Christmas. Since Valentine’s Day is so close, I made two sets of dishcloths, one of “Love”, and the other the “Rose”. The purple, pink, and especially red came out very visible, but the white seems to get washed out, as you can see (or barely see) in the photo of the “Love” cloths I made. You might want to keep that in mind when it comes to color choice.
Still being in the infancy of my knitting, I find comfort in the simplicity of making a dishcloth. Being only knits and purls, these particular dishcloths are great confidence builders for beginners, and quick projects for intermediate/advanced knitters. One of the things I love about this book is all the patterns come in written AND chart form (yes!), so you can easily see where you are in your knitting.
Try knitting with size 10 cotton thread and size 0 needles to make a cute coaster, patch, or wall hanging! I made this for my husband since cleaning supplies might be inappropriate for a valentine gift. A former boss told me of a Christmas he bought a vacuum cleaner for his wife. As you can imagine, it didn’t go over well for him that year.
“Dishcloths for Special Days” is available in both paperback and instant download PDF, so you can have the book on your favorite mobile device and be knitting as fast as you can find a skein of cotton and your size 7 or 8 knitting needles!

Dishcloths for Special Days