Mood Scarf 2016 – December

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Mood Scarf 2016 – December

Mood Scarf 2016 - Goddess Crochet
December treated me mostly well, with some extra special days that left me feeling thankful. Christmas was amazing, my little girl was so excited and joyful. Then, at the end of the month my husband and I got to see a great live band (something we do 1/20th the amount we used to, so when we get a chance to do it, we enjoy it to the fullest).

This was my first time doing a mood scarf, and it was a learning experience. There are a couple things I would change if I was to do another one. Firstly, the color choice. I chose “watermelon pink” to be the color for “happy”, and since most of my days were happy, I ended up with a VERY pink scarf. Don’t get me wrong, I love pink…but dang, that’s a lot of pink. I would probably change up the color pallete a bit. Maybe go with green or blue for happy. Another thing I would do differently would be to work on the scarf every single day. The way I was doing it was marking down what the mood of the day was, and then at the end of the month work on the scarf. It’s much easier to do 1 or 2 rows a day than to sit down and see you have 30 rows to do…it’s a bit daunting.

Mood Scarf 2016 - December

I’ll be taking the year “off” from doing this type project, but I think at the start of 2018 I’d love to do a temperature blanket. They look really neat when finished! If you’re looking for some inspiration to start you own mood or temperature scarf or blanket, be sure to check out the “mother” post from the beginning of 2016. There you can see my color picks, and there is a link for a very in-depth blog article about planning a year long temperature project.

Mood Scarf 2016 Sushi Roll pic

Happy Hooking!

Hooded Scarves Book 2
