Single Crochet Video Tutorial – Beginner Crochet Series

Single Crochet Video Tutorial – Beginner Crochet Series
The new year typically starts with a resolution, a goal to learn a new skill, lose weight, or otherwise better ourselves. In whatever capacity you are trying to improve, you need to start small. Set attainable goals so you don’t get discouraged, and get back up if, no when, you fail.
Perhaps you want to learn to crochet. That’s awesome! You’ll want to start small. Learn the individual stitches and practice a little bit everyday! Soon enough you’ll be looking through crochet patterns, seeing a plethora of amazing things you can make with your newfound skill.
Let’s start at the beginning. Close to it anyway. The single crochet. If you have already learned how to make a slipknot and chain stitches, this is the next step. If you have never picked up a crochet hook in your life, you will want to practice making a slipknot and the “crochet chain”. Here is a video for the easiest way to do a slipknot, and while you’re on YouTube, look for videos on how to do the crochet chain (there must be tons). When you’ve got the chain mastered come on back here and let’s single crochet!
The video is embedded below, but if you’d rather go to YouTube’s website to watch, here’s the link: Single Crochet Video Tutorial
Single Crochet Video Tutorial – Beginner Crochet Series