Mood Scarf 2016 – March

Mood Scarf 2016 – March

At the beginning of this year I started an interesting, conceptual project, the mood scarf. I have seen other crocheters do temperature scarves or blankets, and love that idea, but wanted to do something a little different.
The idea is pretty simple. Assign a color to an emotion, and do 1 row of crochet for each day, with the corresponding color to match the overall mood of the day. Originally I was thinking yellow was a “happy” color (and it is!) but being an overall happy person, I didn’t want a dominantly yellow scarf. So I chose pink as my happy color. You can scope out my palette below:
Nervous/anxious – Black
Sad – Dark Blue
Lonely – Light Blue
Stressed – Dark Purple
Angry – Red
Meh – Gray
Content – Brown
Excited – Neon Green
Happy – Pink
Exuberantly Happy – Neon Pink
I started my scarf the first day of the year, but you can really start it up anytime. Feel free to use my color palette, or pick colors/emotion that call to you. Just get a pen and paper, think about the emotion/feeling you have most of the time. Imagine that feeling as a color. Write it down. Move on to your next common emotion. You can always add on as you go. The “Meh” and “Content” were add-ons for me, sort of the in betweens, if you will.
It’s definitely an interesting project to tackle. We might not actually consider how we are feeling on any given day, but a project like this makes you take stock of your overall emotion, good, bad, or indifferent. Some neon green was added in March, which means there was at least a little excitement in the month!

50 Ripple Stitches
from: Leisure Arts, Inc.
Doesn’t it look interesting all rolled up like sushi? At a glance I can see I’ve had more happy days than anything (and 5 exuberantly happy days), a sprinkle of excitement, and a few stressed and sad days. 2016 has been all in all good so far.