Design Improv Workshop Crochet A Long – Complete!

On April 1st the Design Improv Workshop 2 started taking place, and I’m so glad I decided to jump in on the action! It was a combination CAL/Blog Hop “mystery”. In a nutshell, there were 10 designers, each of which designed a few rows for a scarf and would post it on their blog. No designer could really work on the pattern ahead of time, and would have to wait for the designer before them to finish so they could use an appropriate stitch pattern in the subsequent rows.
Every few days, a new section was released, and those of us in the ravelry group (DIW2) would share pictures and oohs and ahhs. I chose to do two versions of the scarf, one made from “scrap” yarn, and one made from lightweight cotton.
Eventually the cotton one fell to the wayside as time got the better of me. The scrap scarf really took on a life of its own though. I went with an “anything goes” palette as I picked through my random partial skeins bag.
After finished one complete cycle through the collaborative design, I made another one exactly the same to mirror the scarf. A little blocking went a long way.
Then I joined the two pieces with fluorescent yellow yarn (what else), and single crocheted around the outside to frame it.
Once I held it out I realized it would fit perfect as a shrug! So I seamed up the arms and a shrug it did become!
I love the collaborative efforts of this crochet-a-long. Not only did the designers each contribute a different row, at the end the crochet-a-long(ers) got the option to contribute a row if they wanted to do so via the Ravelry group. The designers got creative with this one and it was fun challenging myself and sharing the adventure with fellow crocheters working on the same project. The Design Improv Workshop 2 was my first crochet-a-long, and I’m sure it won’t be my last!