Design Improv Workshop Crochet Along – Mystery Blog Hop

I’m currently participating in a crochet along and it’s really fun! If you have never done a crochet/knit along, the premise is that the pattern is released in pieces every few days/every few weeks, what have you…and then participants can work up the next section. There are a few nice things about doing a crochet a long. First, it gives you the motivation to finish an item you might normally let become a UFO – unfinished object. By keeping tabs with people in your group every few days or so, you keep yourself somewhat accountable and are more likely to actually finish. You can share pictures and notes. It’s just fun! Interacting with a group for an activity you would normally otherwise be doing alone adds a nice to twist to the project.
This particular crochet along is for a scarf, but the added twist is this: It is a blog hop mystery design. Which means the designers don’t even know what the scarf is going to look like. The first designer makes their pattern (only rule is it has to be 40 st across), and then releases it on their blog. The next designer in line has a day to design their section, and releases it on their blog the following day. And so on and so forth until we have reached the end of the blog line, and we can repeat the sections as we see fit. We get to make a scarf and visit some great crochet blogs!
We are currently on section 7 of 10, but there’s still plenty of time to jump in if you want! You can find the first section, along with all the pertinent social interaction stuff on this site, Stitchesnscraps.
I’m actually working on 2 scarves. One is a light cotton yarn, coupled with a J hook, and I’m finding it drapes really well. This is what I have so far (up to section 6)
The other is a stash buster scarf. I’m doing a different color for each section. Fun!