What I’m Working on Wednesday

I have officially started working on making Christmas/Holiday gifts for the loved ones in my life. Perhaps you will say to yourself “August, isn’t that a little early to think about Christmas?” and the answer is “No!” If you do handmade holidays you know what I am talking about. It’s never fun to be a week away from Christmas and have ten unfinished projects to finalize. SO, this year I’m starting now. Maybe that means I’ll get everything made that I intend to. Maybe!
My husband has 3 sisters, so last year I made them each an infinity scarf. This year, I decided I want to make bags for them all (mom too). This mesh beach bag has been catching my eye for a while, so I figured I’d give it a go. It’s a “Micah Makes” blog pattern, and can be found HERE.
I didn’t pay too much attention to how much yarn is needed when I started but the thing is huge! Big enough to fit an entire family’s worth of beach towels and sand toys. One strap down, one to go. ALMOST finished with it. I made a few small adjustments to suit my taste. I (usually) don’t like using the spiral technique when I’m working in the round (too easy to lose your place). I make an exception for 3D items, but bags I can deal with a teeny seam line. Also, I added a few more of the mesh rows to the top to make it taller. I am also slip stitching the straps to the bag just to make sure everything is secure. Some sort of a drawstring is in the works too.
I will share pics when I’m done!